Talk of the Town
The Seattle Star
Future Present: DASSdance’s Lights Camera ACTION
by Omar Willey 2016
"It’s difficult not to admire DASSdance. Their style is always eclectic; their subjects, always diverse; their projects, always ambitious; their ethos, always unimpeachable. Everything they do shows full commitment. In Seattle where dance is dominated by academically trained female dancers, their work stands out especially for its concentration on the movements of vernacular dance.
Mr. Wilkins’ kitchen sink approach to choreography–what he calls “all terrain” dance–makes demands upon his dancers to be explosive yet graceful, to build power moves out of sinuous yet fragile balletic lines."
The Sun Break
DASSdance Returns to 1982′s NYC Loft Scene
by Michael van Baker 2012
" never know what’s coming next.." "..all appear gymnastically inclined, with rolls over backs, jumps to their feet from their backs, cartwheels from every conceivable attitude."
W Q X R 9 6 . 3 F M
Radio of The New York Times
The World of Dance with Francis Mason
March 2006
"Daniel Wilkins on Thursday night at the Diane von Furstenberg studio put on a dance for six tall women and three men that raised the roof!"
Seattle Weekly
January 2008
Step, Turn, Pick Me Up. Ambitious dancing for a cause.
"athletic, artistically bold dance"
Seattle Times
Michael Upchurch on the work of Nevermore May 2010
"Wilkins alights on a fine dangerous hybrid of hip-hop spins, athletic flips and rolls and genuine balletic grace. And he has dancers that can do justice to this maverick mix.”
Paper Magazine
50 Most Beautiful People Issue
Daniel Wilkins / dance trouper by Peter Davis
"danielandsomesuperfriends performances... are multimedia extravaganzas."
Seattle Met Magazine
by Alexandra Notman 2010
DASSdance, Parking on the Dance Floor
Voted Top Ten Arts Crush event!
Seattle Times
Michael Upchurch on the work of Wilkins for Men In Dance October 2008
"Top of the list, fierce, brutal, extraordinary."
Spin Earth
Erika Rae Langdon
September 2009 "Bumpershoot"
"(DASSdance) is where the word "intriguing" came from... hypnotized the audience with a passionate dance through the fountain's retracting and exploding water spouts."
Fashion Wire Daily
Diane & Daniel Dance by Godfrey Deeny
October 23, 2002
"...powerfully muscular work capturing the energy, stress and entanglements of modern urban life."
Flaunt Magazine
People / Daniel Wilkins by Kelley Blevins
October 2002
"...a pioneer in a world that has long been exclusive to those who understand its abstract nature."